Books: Non-Fiction
Anonymous, A Woman in Berlin (Virago Press, London,
This is an incredible account,
written as a diary, by an anonymous woman living in Berlin when Soviet troops
arrived in the German capital at the end of the Second World War in April and
May 1945. Mass rape of the female population was the order of the day. Yet the
author manages to write about her experience with great sensitivity and even
humour, bringing in her knowledge of the USSR gained from a visit before the
Applebaum, Anne, Iron Curtain: The Crushing of
Eastern Europe 1944-56 (Allen Lane, London, 2012)
An excellent, detailed account of the
way in which, by stealth, deception and aggression, the Soviet Union took over
the countries of Eastern Europe after the Second World War.
Austin, Michael, The Great Experiment (English Universities Press, London,
Austin was an educationalist who
shows a great deal of naivety about the shortcomings of the Soviet system. Yes,
it did provide universal education, as a result of which Russia went from one
of the most illiterate countries in Europe at the start of the century to one
with levels of literacy which were among the highest. Austin was either very
sympathetic to the Soviet cause, or couldn’t see beyond a thin veneer of
educational respectability.
Bailey, Anthony, Along the Edge of the Forest
(Faber and Faber, London, 1983)
A valuable book about a journey
which, thankfully, has been confined to history, as Bailey travelled the length
of the Iron Curtain.
Binyon, Michael, Life in Russia (Hamish
Hamilton, London, 1983)
The 1970’s and ‘eighties saw a spate
of books by foreign correspondents in Moscow who proved to be very astute
observers of the Soviet scene. This is an excellent example, and many of
Binyon’s observations still hold great relevance today.
Browder, Bill,
Red Notice (Transworld Publishers,
London, 2015)
Browder went to live in Moscow in the
‘nineties as an enthusiastic businessman, but soon learnt the harsh reality of
Russia’s post-Soviet crony capitalism. This is the account of how he came to
understand the brutality of that system; and how his lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky,
paid with his life for his belief in truth and justice.
Bill Browder's Red Notice has been published in numerous languages, including in Russian |
BSE: Bolshaya Sovietskaya
Entsiklopedia (Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, 1979)
Given the slant this publication put
on history, it could be argued that this should be listed below under
“Fiction”; or even “Fairy Tales”.
Bukovsky, Vladimir, To Build a Castle (Andre
Deutsch, London, 1978)
The story of how an outspoken,
patriotic Russian came to be branded a “dissident” because he saw the flaws of
the Soviet system; and how that system ultimately chewed him up and spat him
out into exile – but, nonetheless, failed to break his spirit.
Chamberlain, Lesley, The Food and Cooking of Russia
(Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1983)
A cookery book, with a few
interesting observations about Russia.
Claridge, Laura, Tamara de Lempicka; a Life of Deco
and Decadence (Bloomsbury, London, 2010)
Tamara de Lempicka was born in
pre-Revolutionary St Petersburg. This book gives some very interesting insights
into the life of the gentry there before, during and in the immediate aftermath
of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Cliff, Nigel, Moscow Nights (Harper Collins, New York,
Wonderfully vivid description of the
American pianist, Van Cliburn’s relationship with the Soviet Union. Cliburn
shook the Soviet musical world by winning the first Tchaikovsky Piano
Competition in 1958, and maintained a love for Russia without falling foul of the authorities in his own country or in
the USSR. A fascinating story, beautifully told.
Dobson, G, Grove, H M, Stewart, H, Russia (Adam &
Charles Black, London, 1913)
This is a compendium of three books, Moscow, by H M Grove; Provincial Russia, by Hugh Stewart; and St Petersburg, by G Dobson which were published between 1909 and 1912. The style is
of its time, but many of the observations about Russia and Russians are still
relevant over a hundred years later.
Doder, Dusko, Shadows and Whispers (Random House, New
York, 1986)
Very perceptive account of the period
from the last days of Brezhnev until the first months of Gorbachev’s
leadership. Doder was highly respected as Moscow Bureau Chief for The Washington Post from 1981-1985.
Dreiser, Theodore, Dreiser’s Russian Diary,
Thomas P Riggio and James L W West III (University of Pennsylvania Press,
Philadelphia, 1996)
A fascinating account of how a true
believer in Communism assessed what had become of the Bolshevik Revolution ten
years after it happened.
George Feifer (from the dust- jacket of Moscow Farewell) |
Feifer, George, Moscow Farewell (The Viking Press, New York, 1976)
This is very different from the other
accounts of Moscow life written by correspondents who were in the Russian
capital in the ‘seventies and ‘eighties. At times almost pornographic, Feifer
reveals an undercurrent in Soviet society which was far from the rosy view
promoted by official literature.
Harrison, Mark,
One Day We Will Live Without Fear:
Everyday Lives Under the Soviet Police State (Hoover Institution Press,
Stanford, 2016)
This fascinating book came about
almost by chance. While carrying out research on a different subject, Harrison came across tales of the
activities of the Soviet secret police in Lithuania.
Hayter, Sir William, The Kremlin and the Embassy (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1966)
Fifty years after it was written,
this reads in a delightfully old-fashioned way – just the sort of language one
would expect from a diplomat who served in the post-War period. But Hayter
tells some very amusing tales which speak volumes about Khrushchev’s Soviet
Hingley, Ronald, The Russian Mind (The Bodley
Head, London, 1978)
This is one of the few works I
consulted which was written by an academic; mostly I have chosen books by
journalists and travel writers for the simple reason that in my experience that
is where many of the more colourful descriptive passages are to be found.
Hingley’s approach is rigorously academic, but the very subject matter (as the
title suggests) meant that it was very suitable for inclusion in this
Ings, Simon, Stalin and the Scientists: A History of
Triumph and Tragedy 1905-1953 (Faber & Faber, London, 2016)
Ings comes across as having sympathy
for the nobler aims of the Revolution, such as promoting equality. But in this
highly readable book, the scientist in him is appalled by some of the excesses
and false science encouraged in Stalin’s time.
There's something special about holding an old book... |
Joubert, Carl,
Russia As It Really Is (Eveleigh
Nash, London, 1904)
This book was one of the inspirations
for Russia:
Collected Wisdom. Even though it was
published at the start of the twentieth century, predicting the downfall of the
Tsarist system if the Tsar did not wake up and look at what was going on around
him in Russia, Joubert makes many trenchant observations which ring true today.
Kaiser, Robert G, Russia: The People and the Power
(Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1977)
Along with the books by Hedrick Smith
and Michael Binyon, Kaiser’s book is one of the classic works by Moscow
correspondents of the ‘seventies and ‘eighties. Some of the references are now
confined to history; others are as true now as they were when the book was
first published. The book was published in hardback a year earlier, hence
references to his quotations as being from 1976.
Real-life Game of Thrones? |
Kasparov, Garry, Winter is Coming: Why Vladimir
Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must be Stopped (Atlantic Books,
London, 2015)
The former chess Grand Master has
become one of the most vociferous critics of Vladimir Putin, and in this book
he explains clearly why this is. But like a good Bolshevik, Putin cannot
tolerate criticism; which is why Kasparov, like many Russians who love their
country but can’t abide the current system, lives abroad.
King, David, The Commissar Vanishes: The
Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin’s Russia (Metropolitan Books, New York, 1997)
This book illustrates that the
Russian tactic of using disinformation to put across the version of events
which they want you to see and hear, even if that differs from the truth, was
mastered early in Soviet times. Even when photography was in its infancy, the
Soviet authorities were doctoring photographs to expunge from history those who
were “inconvenient”.
Klose, Kevin, Russia and the Russians (WW Norton &
Co, New York, 1984)
Klose was Moscow Bureau Chief for The Washington Post immediately before Dusko Doder. His highly
perceptive book gives an accurate picture of the complexities which lay under
the surface in the USSR in the early 1980’s.
Lee, Andrea, Russian Journal (Faber and Faber,
London, 1982)
Slightly naïve, but significant book
from someone who was a foreign student in Soviet times.
Leonhard, Wolfgang, The Kremlin and the West
(Norton, New York, 1986)
Leonhard’s background reads like a
history of the 20th century: he was born in Germany, lived in the
Soviet Union for ten years (1935-1945) and by 1950 was residing in the USA. His
is a fascinating take on the relationship between the USSR and the West.
Lifflander, Justin, How Not to Become a Spy: A Memoir
of Love at the End of the Cold War (Gilbo Shed Books, New York, 2015)
A suitably tongue-in-cheek title for
a book not lacking in self-deprecation from a man who was so bitten by the
Russian bug, that he went to work in the US Embassy in Moscow as a driver; was
taken on as a weapons inspector for the US government under the START Treaty;
and ended up marrying one of the KGB interpreters assigned to keep an eye on
these legalised spies! Lifflander understands Russia well.
Lloyd, John, Rebirth of a Nation: An Anatomy of
Russia (Michael
Joseph, London, 1998)
It speaks volumes for the way in
which Vladimir Putin came out of nowhere to lead Russia that this book,
published in 1998, makes no mention of Putin; yet he became Prime Minister in
August 1999, acting President when Boris Yeltsin stepped down on 31 December
1999, and President in March 2000.
Maslenikoff, Tatiana M.; Royal, Robert, The Russian
Cookbook (Camdent Ltd, London, c.2000)
More recipe book than commentary, but
provides some food for thought as well as for the digestive system.
Millinship, William, Front Line: Women of the New Russia (Methuen, London, 1993)
One of the first books to pay serous
attention to that much maligned yet vitally important part of Russian society:
its womenfolk. It’s interesting to look back a quarter of a century after the
collapse of the USSR to see what at that time concerned the Russian women whom
Millinship interviewed.
Newby, Eric, The Big Red Train Ride (Penguin Books,
Harmondsworth, 1980)
A travel book from an experienced
travel writer. It covers a journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway in 1977.
Palin, Michael,
Halfway to Hollywood: Diaries 1980-1988
(Thomas Dunne Books, New York, 2009)
The most unlikely book to be quoted
on Russia. But I was very amused by Palin’s incongruous comment contrasting
Russia as “the enemy” with the Russian (actually Soviet) national team playing
a football match in Wrexham.
Pomerantsev, Peter, Nothing Is True and Everything Is
Possible: Adventures in Modern Russia (Faber & Faber, London, 2015)
In an era of hyperbole and over-used
phrases such as “iconic”, this is already a classic on Putin’s Russia. Along
with Joubert’s Russia
As It Really Is this forms the second
“bookend” of this collection. If you want to read one book which describes what
is going on in Russia in the twenty-first century, make it this one.
Schmidt-Häuer, Christian, Gorbachev:
The Path to Power (I.B.Tauris, London, 1986)
As the publication date suggests (the
year after Mikhail Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Soviet Communist
Party), this was the first book which came out in the West which looked at the
new – and, as history was to show – last Soviet leader.
Sharansky, Natan, (with Ron Dermer), The Case for
Democracy: the Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror (Public
Affairs, New York, 2006)
A very balanced discussion of the
meaning of freedom from someone who spent nine years in Soviet labour camps for
the “crime” of not agreeing with the Soviet system.
Personal dedication from Eduard Shevardnadze |
Shevardnadze, Eduard, The Future Belongs to Freedom
(trans, Catherine A Fitzpatrick; Sinclair-Stevenson, London, 1991)
I was asked to review this for BBC
World Service when it came out. I expected a dry or self-congratulatory
politician’s memoirs. But it was a revelation. Shevardnadze really did want to
change life in the USSR. I was fortunate enough soon after I read it to have a
two-hour interview-come-conversation with Shevardnadze in which we discussed the
book among other things.
Shevchenko, Arkady, Breaking With Moscow (Jonathan
Cape, London, 1985)
Shevchenko was the highest-ranking
Soviet diplomat ever to defect to the West. From 1973 until his defection five
years later, he was an Under-Secretary General at the United Nations in New
York. As such, his well-written account is a unique document. Sadly the manner
of his death in 1998 – cirrhosis of the liver – says much about Russian habits
and also about the stress of the double-life he led.
Too many years on sunny bookshelves... |
Shipler, David,
Russia: Broken Idols, Solemn Dreams
(Times Books, New York, 1983)
Shipler was The New York Times’ Bureau Chief at the same time as Kevin
Klose was there for The Washington Post. But that does not prevent this book from being a riveting read.
Siddiqi, Asif,
The Red Rockets’ Glare: Spaceflight and
the Soviet Imagination, 1957-1957 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Very detailed and rather heavy-going
account of the dreams and the reality of the Russian and Soviet space
programme, from the birth of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky to the launch of the first
Skariatina, Irina, First to Go Back: An Aristocrat in
Soviet Russia
(Victor Gollancz, London, 1934)
This is written in a pompous and
rather tiresome style; but it is worth including as a memoir because, as the
title says, Ms Skariatina was the first aristocrat whose family fled the
Bolshevik Revolution to pay a visit to the USSR.
Smith, Hedrick, The
Russians (Sphere Books, London, 1977)
The New Russians (Hutchinson, London, 1990)
The Russians was one of the first – and best – books
written by a foreign correspondent in the USSR which got under the skin of the
country. It was a bold decision to go back and write a follow-up volume
examining what had changed under Gorbachev. Both books still offer a great deal
not only about their respective periods, but about Russia then and now.
A bold but well-justified decision to revisit the scene |
Soloukhin, Vladimir, Laughter Over the Left Shoulder
(1989; trans, David Martin; Peter Owen, London, 1990)
This book contains beautifully
poignant observations of a rural Russia which most Westerners, even frequent
visitors to Russia, never see.
![]() |
Rural Russia is another world |
Stites, Richard, The Women’s Liberation Movement in
Russia (Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1978)
Stites views the struggle for
liberation of Russian women in the context of both nineteenth-century European
feminism and twentieth-century communism. It is a well-informed account of a
subject little studied in Soviet times.
Steveni, William Barnes, Petrograd Past and Present (Grant
Richards Ltd, London, 1915)
The author spent over a quarter of a century in pre-revolutionary Russia, and produced this book just two years before the Revolution. The start of the First World War in 1914 no doubt led to a hasty re-titling of the work from "St Petersburg" to "Petrograd".
Sukloff, Marie, The Life Story of a Russian Exile (trans. Gregory Yarros; William
Heinemann, London, 1915)
Published as it was before the
Revolutions of 1917, Ms Sukloff’s memoir helps to explain the dire conditions
in Russia which helped bring about those Revolutions.
van der Post, Laurens, Journey into Russia
(The Hogarth Press, London, 1965)
For at least a decade Laurens van der
Post’s book was seen as the definitive work on Russia by a Western journalist
or travel writer. As it says on the inside of the dust jacket, the book
“describes one of the longest journeys made in Soviet Russia by a writer
without political bias” (thus differentiating it from Theodore Dreiser’s Diary,
listed above – Dreiser was an American communist). Fifty years on, some of the
language sounds rather outdated, but many of van der Post’s observations remain
true today.
Walker, Martin, The Waking Giant: The Soviet Union
Under Gorbachev
(Michael Joseph, London, 1986)
Walker had a reputation among his
fellow Western correspondents for being a loner, largely because he shunned
them in favour of making more contact with Russians. This was the first attempt
by a Western correspondent to write a book which suggested how life might
change under Gorbachev. It is interesting to read it with hindsight, and
reflect in places on what might have been.
Willis, David,
Klass: How Russians Really Live (St
Martin’s Press, New York, 1985)
I worked with David Willis at the BBC
in the 1990’s. Apart from being one of the nicest human beings you could ever
meet, he was an excellent journalist in terms of his writing, his honesty and
his desire to tell the truth. This is reflected in this book, which is an
accurate yet amazingly non-judgemental account of how the system of Klass (privilege) worked in the USSR.
Woodhead, Leslie, How the Beatles Rocked the
Kremlin: The Untold Story of a Noisy Revolution (Bloomsbury, London, 2013)
Woodhead is credited with making the first film of the Beatles singing,
and followed them closely. As he became interested in the rock scene in the
USSR, an increasing number of Russians told him that the Beatles had had a
massive effect on popular culture in the country from the mid-sixties onwards.
Some even claim that “the Fab Four” inadvertently played a major role in
bringing about the collapse of the Soviet system. This may be an exaggeration,
but it makes for a compelling tale.
Books: Fiction
Bradbury, Malcolm, To
the Hermitage (Picador, London, 2001)
Bulgakov, Mikhail, The
White Guard (1926; trans. Michael Glenny; Fontana/Collins, Glasgow, 1979)
The Master and Margarita (1938; trans. Michael Glenny;
Fontana/Collins, Glasgow, 1979)
Cruz Smith, Martin, Gorky
Park (1981; Simon & Schuster, London, 2013 edition)
Dovlatov, Sergei, The
Compromise (Chatto & Windus, London, 1983)
Life and Fate is a classic of 20th century fiction. |
Grossman, Vasily, Everything Flows (1955-1963; trans. Robert and Elizabeth Chandler with Anna Aslanyan;
Vintage Books, London, 2011)
Life and Fate (1960; trans. Robert Chandler;
introduction by Robert Chandler; Vintage Books, London, 2006)
In Kislovodsk (short story in The Road; trans. Robert and Elizabeth Chandler with Olga
Mukovnikova; Maclehose Press, London, 2010)
Ilf, Ilya and Petrov, Yevgeny, The
Twelve Chairs (1928; trans. John Richardson; Sphere Books, London, 1971)
Kaletski, Alexander, Metro
(Methuen, London, 1986)
Kundera, Milan, The
Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984; trans. from Czech by Michael Henry
Heim; Faber & Faber, London, 1995)
Lewycka, Marina, A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian (Penguin Books, London, 2012)
Many former Soviet citizens can sympathise with the hoarding habits of the central character, Nadia's, father (who is writing a short history of tractors - in Ukrainian
Pasternak, Boris, Doctor Zhivago
(1956; trans. Max Hayward and Manya Harari, 1958; Vintage Books, London, 2002)
Rybakov, Anatoli, Children
of the Arbat (1988; trans. Harold Shukman, Hutchinson, London, 1988)
Another example of a brilliant novel banned in the Soviet Union until
Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of glasnost - "openness" - permitted its
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, One
Day in the Life of Alexander Denisovich (1962; trans. Ralph Parker, Penguin
Books, Harmondsworth, 1971)
For the Good of the Cause (1963; trans. David Floyd and Max
Hayward, Sphere Books, London, 1974)
Topol, Edward & Neznansky,
Fridrikh, Red Square (Corgi Books, London, 1984)
Uris, Leon, Armageddon
(Corgi Books, London, 1971)
Voinovich, Vladimir, The
Anti-Soviet Soviet Union (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich; Orlando, Florida;
Moscow 2042 (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich;
Orlando, Florida; 1987)
Zinoviev, Alexander, The Yawning Heights (Penguin
Books, Harmondsworth, 1981)
The Yawning
Heights is a scathing satire on Soviet
society; so scathing that it is set in the mythical country of Ibansk – a crude
play on the Russian verb, yebat, to
fuck, and the most common Russian name, Ivan.
Zoshchenko, Mikhail, Nervous
People and Other Satires (1925-1955; trans. Maria Gordon and Hugh McLean;
Victor Gollanz Ltd, London, 1963)
Books: Fairy Tales
Sadecky, Petr, Octobriana and the Russian Underground (Tom Stacey
Ltd, London, 1971)
Originally, this section of the Bibliography
contained just Red Plenty (below). But when I decided to include
quotations from Octobriana it struck me that this was the most
appropriate section for it. Published originally as non-fiction, it turned out
that the whole book was simply Sadecky’s fantasy – apart from the authoritative
introduction by A. Anatoli, the assumed name of the writer Anatoli Kuznetsov after
he defected to the West in 1969.
Spufford, Francis, Red Plenty (Faber and Faber,
London, 2010)
Red Plenty deserves its own category since, as the
Author points out in the Introduction at the start of Part One, “It is not a
history. It is not a novel. It is itself a fairytale; and like a fairytale it
is wishful, irresponsible, not to be relied on.” A description which fits Octobriana well.
Brown, Lesley (Ed), The
New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (in two volumes) (Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1993)
Ozhegov, S.I., Slovar
Russkogo yazyka (Russky yazyk, Moscow, 1978)
Aaronovitch, How
the West can defeat the Kremlin’s lies, in The Times, 31 August 2017
Brezhnev, Leonid, Speech to the XXVI Communist Party Congress, 23 February 1981
Caesar, Ed, House
of Secrets in The New Yorker, 1
June 2015
Conrad, Joseph, Autocracy
and War, in The North American Review,
vol.CLXXXI, No.584, pp.33-55, July 1905
Dolgov, Lt-Gen V, By
the Laws of Military Brotherhood in Sovetsky
Voin [Soviet Soldier] magazine, No.12, 1982
Mitford, Captain A H, Editorial
Notes in the Russo-British Chamber of
Commerce Journal, Vol.1, No.1, February 1919; Vol.3, No.30, July 1921
Pravda, official newspaper of the Communist
Party of the Soviet Union
Berger: SD Interview (in English) with
Mikhail Berger, former Editor of newspaper Segodnya
(Today), May 2002; broadcast May 2002
in Assignment: Putin’s Russia, BBC
World Service
Borovik: SD Interview (in English) with
Genrikh Borovik, Journalist, September 1991; broadcast January 1992 in The Re-Making of Russia; Programme 6: The Media and Culture, BBC World Service
Donnelly: SD Interview with Chris Donnelly,
Special Advisor to the NATO Secretary General on the Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe, September 1991; broadcast December 1991 in The Re-Making of Russia; Programme 3: Defending the Motherland, BBC World Service
Gamsakhurdia: SD Interview (in English) with Zviad
Gamsakhurdia (later to be First President of Georgia), October 1989, in The Lives of Joseph Stalin, BBC World
Gorbachev: SD Interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet President, January 1995;
broadcast March 1995 in Russia’s Runaway
Revolution; Programme 1: Perestroika:
Recipe for a New Way of Life, BBC World Service
Gusman: SD Interview (in English) with Yuli
Gusman, Theatre Director, October 1994; broadcast April 1995 in Russia’s Runaway Revolution; Programme
6: The New Russians and the Future,
BBC World Service
Ignatenko: SD Interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with Vitaly Ignatenko, former Press Secretary to Mikhail Gorbachev,
September 1994; broadcast March 1995 in Russia’s
Runaway Revolution; Programme 3: Democracy
Rocks the Nation, BBC World Service
Kagarlitsky: SD Interview (in English) with
Boris Kagarlitsky, Political activist, September 1994; broadcast April 1995 in Russia’s Runaway Revolution; Programme
6: The New Russians and the Future,
BBC World Service
Kobets: SD Interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with General Konstantin Kobets, Defence Adviser to the Russian
Government (September 1991-March 1992), September 1991; broadcast December 1991
in The Re-Making of Russia; Programme 3: Defending the Motherland, BBC World Service
Lyamin: SD Interview (in English) with
lawyer Oleg Lyamin, November 1990, in Assignment:
The Soviet Army, BBC World Service
Mikhalkov: SD Interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with Film Director Nikita Mikhalkov, February 2003, for BBC
Myasoyedov: SD Interview (in English) with
Sergei Myasoyedov, Director of Studies, Moscow Business School, September 1994;
broadcast March-April 1995 in Russia’s
Runaway Revolution; Programme 4: Russia’s
Road to the Market, and Programme 5:
Russia and the Outside World, BBC
World Service
Payne: SD Interview with Neil Payne,
Partner, Coopers & Lybrand, February 1995; broadcast April 1995 in Russia’s Runaway Revolution; Programme
5: Russia and the Outside World, BBC
World Service
Proselkov: SD interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with Colonel (Reserve) Nikolai Proselkov, November 1990, in Assignment: The Soviet Army, BBC World
Service: SD interview with Robert Service,
Lecturer in Russian History, University of London, January 1992; broadcast
January 1992 in The Re-Making of Russia; Programme
5: Rebuilding Education, BBC World
Sokol: SD interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with Yury Sokol, Custodian of a private museum in Moscow of Jewish
History, September 1991; broadcast January 1992 in The Re-Making of Russia; Programme 4: The Religious Revival, BBC World Service
Stankevich: SD interview (in English) with
Sergei Stankevich, Former Deputy Mayor of Moscow, September 1994; broadcast
March 1995 in Russia’s Runaway Revolution;
Programme 1: Perestroika: Recipe for a
New Way of Life, BBC World Service
Vladimirov: SD interview (in English) with Father
Artemy Vladimirov, Russian Orthodox priest, September 1991; broadcast January
1992 in The Re-Making of Russia; Programme
4: The Religious Revival, BBC World
Volsky: SD interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with Arkady Volsky, Chairman, Russian Society of Entrepreneurs and
Industrialists, and former adviser to Soviet leaders, September 1994; broadcast
April 1995 in Russia’s Runaway Revolution;
Programme 6: The New Russians and the
Future, BBC World Service
Voshchanov: SD interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with Pavel Voshchanov, Journalist and Press Spokesman for President
Boris Yeltsin, 1990-1992, September 1994; broadcast March-April 1995 in Russia’s Runaway Revolution; Programme
2: Glasnost: Freedom to Speak;
Programme 6: The New Russians and the
Future, BBC World Service
Yagodin: SD interview (in English) with
Gennady Yagodin, Chairman, Soviet State Education Committee (March
1988-November 1991), September 1991; broadcast January 1992 in The Re-Making of Russia; Programme 5: Rebuilding Education, BBC World Service
Yakovlev: SD interview (in Russian; trans.
Dalziel) with Alexander Yakovlev, former Politburo Member Responsible for
Propaganda, September 1994; broadcast March 1995 in Russia’s Runaway Revolution; Programme 2: Glasnost: Freedom to Speak, BBC World Service
I’m All Right Jack, Charter Film Productions, 1959
Vladimir Vysotsky, Moskva-Odessa
Boney M, Rasputin;
Hansa Music, 1978
Donnelly, Christopher, Lectures on the Soviet Military in
the 1980’s
Thatcher, Margaret, Comment about Mikhail Gorbachev
during his visit to London in December 1984; quoted in Russia’s Runaway Revolution; Programme 5: Russia and the Outside World, BBC World Service, April 1995
Dalziel: My own musings over the years
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